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MSc in Archaeological Science



Subject of study of the “MSc Program in Archaeological Science” is the application of science in archaeology and the combined use of scientific and archaeological evidence for the understanding of natural and anthropogenic phenomena and for answering archaeological questions related to the study of the environment and material culture of the past.


    Aims of the program are:

    1. the development and promotion of research and scientific knowledge in the scientific field of archaeology, through interdisciplinary collaboration with geosciences and other natural sciences
    2. the high-level training and specialization of postgraduate students, coming from the scientific areas of archaeology and more generally classical and humanistic studies, earth sciences and other related natural sciences.


    Objectives of the program are:

    1. to attract young scientists and researchers and to offer them high-level scientific knowledge and research training in accordance with the requirements of modern research
    2. to strengthen and expand the international visibility of the scientific and research work of the two cooperating departments in the scientific subjects they treat
    3. to promote and develop the interdisciplinary approach of the environment and material culture of the past
    4. to strengthen the scientific and research capabilities of graduates of archeology and other related departments of humanities, and graduates of departments of earth sciences and other related departments of natural sciences.