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MSc in Archaeological Science


The Laboratory of Historical Geology and Palaeontology (LHGP) is one of the oldest in the University. To this day, it plays a very important role in education and scientific research of the Department, in topics such as Palaeontology, Micropalaeontology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Historical Geology, Palaeoecology and Ecostratigraphy. The Laboratory facilities include a modern thin section lab, a modern lab for the retrievement and preparation of fossils and microfossils as well as the conservation and creation of moulds/casts. There is also a modern lab for the analysis of sedimentary basins.

For the educational and research needs of the Department, the Laboratory also includes an e‐teaching hall/room, with 24 computers and stereoscopes,  5  polarizing  microscopes,  three  of  which  are  connected  to  computers,  and  a  Scanning  Electron  Microscope  (SEM) connected to an X‐ray Microanalysis system (WDS).

The laboratory may provide the following services:

  1. thin sections of rocks, sediments and fossils; retrievement and preparation of fossils;  construction  of  fossil  casts, 
  2. identification  of  nano‐,  micro‐,  macro‐  fossils, 
  3. analysis  of  sediments  and  sedimentary environments with applications in Hydrocarbon and water resources research,
  4. analysis of texture, composition, granulometry and identification of inorganic and organic composites of sediments,
  5. preparation of samples for C, O and S stable isotope analysis in sediments,
  6. digital logging and mapping of aqueous floors,
  7. stereotransportation (sedimentation) and hydrodynamic parameters measurements and
  8. protection of Geological Heritage.